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My blog contains my As Media Portfolio with all the work that I have completed so far in AS Media. I add and upload work onto my blog quite often, so keep checking in for any updates.

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Heather-Jean Aromin

Wednesday 3 December 2008

Analysis of Contents Page 1

The magazine makes use of several different images. They have been constructed to fit the page, in which they are quite large and stand out more on the page than the text. From looking at the page, I assume that the magazine is specifically about the rock genre; therefore the target audience for this particular magazine would be those who have an interest in rock type music.

The main colours used on this contents page are black and yellow with a white background. The use of these particular colours make the text stand out. The use of a white background allows the text to stand out dramatically, as they have used a very bright colour, yellow, for the text, in which all of the yellow text has a black border/background. Also, the text that is in a small font size is in black, which indicates that it isn’t as important as the text that is big, bold and bright. The colours and font styles don’t really relate to the style on the front page, due to the fact that the front page makes use of a different colour scheme than the contents page; the fonts used on both pages are different.

The information is organised in an understandable way; the reader knows where to look. At the top is the editor’s section; then on the right side is the contents and on the left there are images that relate to something in the magazine, which the page number and what it is about is located above, under or on the image. On the bottom right of the page is a promotional offer. The way the page is organised indicates that there is going to be a lot of images with text, which means that it will be easy, understandable and interesting to read.

There aren’t really any graphical features used to draw the reader’s attention which is a downfall, as makes the page look quite boring and not very attractive to the reader’s eye.
The logo of the magazine isn’t placed anywhere on the page. From what I can see, there aren’t any other franchises being promoted on the page.

The overall style of the page relates to the front cover, as they both have a rock type of vibe through the images and text.

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