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My blog contains my As Media Portfolio with all the work that I have completed so far in AS Media. I add and upload work onto my blog quite often, so keep checking in for any updates.

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See ya later

Heather-Jean Aromin

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Analysis of Front Cover 2

The main image/model of the magazine are looking as though they are looking directly at you; this is also known as direct mode of address. Also, the image is a mid-shot, which you can notice that the majority of magazines use a mid-shot image for the front cover, to show the majority of the body; to also allow readers to actually see the model’s face. Whereas, if a long shot was used for a front cover, then the models face would be less visible. Moreover, she is wearing a white/ pink costume which goes with the anchorage text, ‘BEYONCE’, in which she stands out on the page.

From looking at the front cover, the reader is able to identify where and what the title is, due to the fact that it is in the largest font size. It also stands out the most on the page, as it uses a bold colour, red; therefore can be identified as the title. Also, the ‘Q’ has a shadow behind it, which is used for emphasis.

The slogan for this magazine is placed at the top of the magazine; is used to attract readers. For this magazine, they have used the word ‘SPECIAL’ to attract the attention of the target audience. In addition, the sell lines are used to attract and persuade the audience into buying the magazine; they often use words of exaggeration such as ‘EXCLUSIVE!’ Puffs are more than often found on every type of magazine, which it can be identified as a circular shape with information inside of it, in which it is used to attract readers; it is usually related to something that the reader’s can keep.

The colours used are black, white and red. The black and white are not as dominant as the red, in which it allows the title and the puff to stand out, as they both have red incorporated in it. The barcode is located on the side and is quite small, due to the fact that it isn’t used to attract or do anything for the reader, in which bold colours have not been used.

The overall style of the page is very simple, in which they have incorporated a few colours and one bold colour to make certain areas stand out more than others. Also, the use of one font makes the page more understandable and not too messy.

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