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Heather-Jean Aromin

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Analysis of Double Page Spread 2

The choice of band featured in the article suggests that the target audience for this magazine are people who have an interest in the rock/heavy metal music genres; this is due to the fact that the band presents themselves with the ‘rock’ look with their long messy hair, beards and the style of clothing.

The article is written in the form of an interview, where fans have asked the band questions and the band answer the questions. The language is somewhat colloquial, in which the band have made use of slang, such as ‘goons’ and ‘no way!’

In this article, the colours used could symbolise different things. The colours used are black, white and green. From looking at the article, the connotations of the black and the green are darkness, rough, monster and rock. On the other hand, the white is a big contrast, where it could symbolise the fact that although they are a rock band, they may still have a soft and nicer side to them, particularly the one on the right, as he is wearing white and is also smiling.

The article makes use of different styles of text, in which they suggest different things. For example the word ‘scarier’ is in a large messy font size; this is for emphasis on the word. In addition, the rest of the text that goes with that quotation is in a smaller font, as it is not as important. Moreover, the interview is in a much smaller yet readable font, in which the questions have been highlighted with a green background.

The double page spread is laid out very clearly, in which there is a large image on the left page of the band, and with a quotation across the bottom; on the right page is the actual interview. The image and the interview are both in proportion, due to the fact that the image takes up a bit of the right page and the quotation takes up the bottom half of the left page.

The sort of tone that the magazine is using when addressing the reader is as though they are close friends. This is for the reason that the ‘interviewees’ have asked some personal questions and the band have answered in an informal way, using some inappropriate language.

The band is presented through the images to the audience with the stereotypical casual ‘rock look’, as they are wearing very casual clothing with beards and long messy hair. By presenting themselves in this way, this suggests that they are the down to earth, stereotypical rock band.

From looking at the front cover, where the double page spread is from, I can see some similarities and some differences. An example of a similarity is that the way the title on the front page and the way the word ‘scarier’ are on the page both look messy and patchy. On the other hand, the colour scheme doesn’t look the same, in which it is hard to identify what magazine the article is from. Overall, they both give off a rock/heavy metal theme, through the way they have been presented and produced.

Before reading the interview, the magazine gives some prior knowledge about the band. For example, what the band have been up to recently, before going into the actual interview.

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