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Heather-Jean Aromin

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Analysis of Double Page Spread 1

In this article, there isn’t a specific band that is featured on it. However, the images that are on the article indicate that the target audience are those who are interested and regularly go clubbing/partying; this suggests that these people are very outgoing and fun people. On the other hand, it could also be targeted at those who care and worry about the safety and well being of our planet, as the article is about how clubs are not ‘green’.

In this article, the type of language that is used is very informational, in which it includes statistics, such as, ‘35,000 clubbers will take to the dancefloors…’ The article also includes quotes from people giving their opinions, in which to some extent slang is associated in their speech, for example, ‘if a club doesn’t play cool music, then nobody will go.’

I have noticed that in this article there is a big contrast with the colours. They have made use of bright and bold colours, such as yellow, green, blue, white and red; this is contrasts with the black background. The contrasts of colours suggest that although clubbing may be all fun and enjoyment, in the long run, it is destroying the planet.

The article uses several different styles of text, in which they suggest different things. The title of the article uses a very unusual, funky style, which suggests that the article is going to be about something fun and good. In addition, the first letter of the first sentence of the actual article is also quite groovy, disco looking, which gives the reader a suggestion that the article is going to be good. However the rest of the article is in Arial, which is quite plain and boring, which indicates that the article is dealing with a matter that is quite serious.

The double page spread is laid out in an understandable way for the reader, in which the title is located in the middle of the first page in a big font size; there are a few images on the page also. On the second page, there are more images and some animation; then the actual article is at the bottom of the second page. The majority of the double page spread is taken up by images, in which one and a half pages are used for images; the half of the second page is taken up by the article.

The sort of tone that the magazine is using when addressing the reader, in this article is as though they are a member of an ‘in’ crowd and an informed, intelligent person. This is due to the fact that, the article uses a lot of statistics and that the article would appeal to some people.

The different images on the page are presented to the audience, indicating that they are very fun, happy and cool people.

From looking at the front cover of the magazine, where the article is from, I can see a lot of similarities in the style of both. For example, they both have the same sort of colours incorporated and the font styles are in a way the same. Moreover, the main image on the front cover are two people who look like they are going partying/clubbing and they also look like very fun people; this relates to the article.

Finally, the article doesn’t demand any prior knowledge when reading the article, due to the fact that all the information and knowledge is put into the article already.

1 comment:

Siham Allali said...

Heather, i think your work is really good, i like the fact that you use such detail, its really helped me realise things about the double page spead. keep up the good work. =D. Siham.x.x.