
Hello & Welcome!

My blog contains my As Media Portfolio with all the work that I have completed so far in AS Media. I add and upload work onto my blog quite often, so keep checking in for any updates.

Also, if you have any questions, feedback or improvements that could be made please feel free to leave comments, as your thoughts would be very helpful.

I hope that you thoroughly enjoy exploring my blog and thanks for visiting

See ya later

Heather-Jean Aromin

Sunday 14 December 2008

Music Magazine: First Draft of Front Cover

This is a print screen of my first draft of my music magazine front cover, in which I have analysed and considered many ways in which it could be improved. For example, I haven't included many sell lines, therefore I could add a few more so that it would be more appealing to the audience prior to them actually purchasing the magazine. I could also include a puff,which is common in most music magazines; this could make a particular feature of the front cover stand out more than other features. I also need to include the issue number and the date, so that the audience are aware of what issue they are purchasing and the release date of the magazine. Finally, I need to include price and barcode, so that the audience know how much the magazine is and a barcode due to the fact that it is common on all items that are purchased by the audience.

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