
Hello & Welcome!

My blog contains my As Media Portfolio with all the work that I have completed so far in AS Media. I add and upload work onto my blog quite often, so keep checking in for any updates.

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See ya later

Heather-Jean Aromin

Tuesday 2 December 2008

The Evolution of Britney Spears 2

The image has been cropped to focus on the top half of her body and framed to focus on her, as she stands out dramatically from the background and the rest of the image. The type of shot that has been used is a medium long shot, which indicates that she is a young woman who is not so vulnerable anymore and has somewhat matured, because the reader is looking straight at her, rather than looking at her from a superior point of view.

She is wearing white and pink frilly underwear, whilst she holds a white shirt against her chest. She is posing between two walls, in which she places her hands against one wall and rests the bottom half on the other wall. From the costume and pose, she is proposing that the type of relationship she wants with the reader is somewhat up close and personal.

The setting that is used is a white backdrop and two very close white walls. The connotations of this are purity, innocence, closeness, these suggest that she is still innocent, although her costume does not agree with her innocence and it also indicates that she wants a close relationship with the reader.

High key lighting has been used to create shadows, particularly on Britney’s body to emphasize certain areas. It allows her to stand out from everything else, in which the lighting is focused on her, as you can see that there are shadows in the backdrop.

The colours that are used are black, white, red, purple and blue. The black, red, purple and blue colours suggest quite dark and a somewhat negative vibe. In contrast to this, the white sends out a positive, bright and pure vibe. The contrasts between the colours indicate that there are two sides to Britney, a good and a bad side.

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