
Hello & Welcome!

My blog contains my As Media Portfolio with all the work that I have completed so far in AS Media. I add and upload work onto my blog quite often, so keep checking in for any updates.

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See ya later

Heather-Jean Aromin

Tuesday 2 December 2008

The Evolution of Britney Spears 1

The image has been cropped to make the reader focus on the top half of her body, in which part of the legs have been taken off and the image has been enlarged. The type of shot that is used is the high angle shot, in which the reader looks down on her, which therefore implies that she is young and vulnerable. The type of magazine this is typical of is that of which attracts the male audience, particularly those who are interested in her music; the image attracts them to the magazine.
Britney is wearing a white shirt that is open, revealing her chest area, in which she is wearing a black bra and she is also wearing white knicker shorts with a bow and black dots. The top half of her costume suggests that she is a young woman, whereas the bottom half suggests that she is still a girl, due to the fact that her clothing looks as though it is something that a teen girl would wear. This would particularly appeal to the male audience, due to the fact that they would be attracted to this sort of thing.

Britney is using two props that suggest very different things. The first prop is a teletubby bear, in which it indicates that she is somewhat still a baby/child. The second prop is a telephone and this could suggest two different things; it could be that she is a teenage girl on the phone to her boyfriend or something, or it could imply that she is a woman working in an office on the phone.
The settings of this image are a pink silk cloth, a bed. The connotations of this are girly, warm, innocent lust and passion.

The intertextual references that are being made are, ‘Inside the heart, mind & bedroom of a teen dream’. This suggests that she is innocent in some ways and quite sexual in other ways.
The colours used are black, pink, white, grey and purple. These colours have been used to portray innocence, love, purity, femininity.

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